Lecture Series

On the third Sunday of each month, we host a guest speaker for an afternoon lecture and discussion of an interesting topic. These speakers come from academia, other activist groups, and technological industries to share their insights and information with us. The guest speaks for about an hour and a question-and-answer session follows.

Recent speakers have included: Dr. Laura Smoller, a UALR historian who taught us about the development of Christian apocalyptic thought; Lyndel Roe, a philosopher who engaged us in a lively discussion about the meaning of life; Glenn Hooks of the Sierra Club, who talked about the Sierra Club’s “Beyond Coal” campaign; a panel from the LBGTQ community that talked about the gay experience in Arkansas; Dr. Philip Frana of the Sociology Department at UCA’s Honors College, who told us about alcohol, religion, and Arkansas drinking culture; and Dr. Scott Austin, Director of the UCA Observatory, who debunked astronomical pseudoscience for us.
Some of our lectures are posted on the Arkansas Society of Freethinkers YouTube channel. Check them out!

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